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[ 编辑:usahrsh | 时间:2017-12-12 05:06:40 ]



Bryant Park Hotel

Medusa, Victor Enrich

new dehli 'south asian human right documentation centre' by anagram architects

L’école Chat, Allemagne

Graz, Austria - a floating coffee shop.

Casa Milà by antonio gaudi in Barcelona

Underwater roller coaster in Japan!

Pierre Cardin bubble house

temporary plywood skating shelters not gunna lie.

La Pedrera, Barcelona, Spain by Antoni Gaudí

Audi Forum Tokyo, Japan 2008

endesa pavilion by IAAC

Chateau de la Rochefoucauld Stairway II by Chris Tarling

Santa Monica Church, Madrid, Spain, Vicens and Ramos

Wat Rong Khun Buddhist Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Louis Vuitton Store NY

The Forgotten Temple of Lysistrata.

Oh Frank, you never cease to amaze- Lou Ruvo Center, Cleveland Clinic by Frank Gehry

Photographer Richard Gubbels from Utrecht, Netherlands

Cooper Union Square, New York City

The tallest bridge in the world - the Millau Bridge, France

Lantern - Sandnes, Norway

The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour, Russia

This is the deepest stair well in the world. People climb this with buckets of water. Rajasthan, India

Frank Gehry building in Dusseldorf, by Ozan

Frank Lloyd Wright Spire, Scottsdale, AZ.

"The Pink City", Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

The Bridge of Aspiration (The Royal Ballet School), London, England

Salvador Dalí Museum / HOK + Beck Group

Yas Hotel

Coca-Cola Pavilion, London Olympic Park, 2012

At 76 floors and 870 feet tall, New York by Gehry is the tallest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere

Kinémax theater in France
