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🌟 纽约曼哈顿唐人街苏豪风格整层住宅出租! 🌟 



🏠 房产亮点: 

苏豪风格: 宽敞窗户和开放式布局,创造出一个空间感十足的时尚城市绿洲。 

两间卫生间: 两间精心设计的卫生间为您带来额外的便利,满足您工作或生活的需求。 

黄金地段: 位于唐人街中心,享受充满活力的环境,周边汇聚多样美食、特色商店和丰富文化,是融合传统与潮流的绝佳选择。 

[联系方式] 718-690-1190 微信 Leadence10 

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🌟 "Live, Work, Create: Your SoHo-Chinatown Oasis Awaits!"

 Elevate your lifestyle in this exceptional full-floor residence designed with freelancers, artists, and entrepreneurs in mind. 

Seamlessly blending SoHo loft-style sophistication with the vibrant pulse of Chinatown, this space offers the perfect canvas for your creative pursuits or burgeoning business endeavors. 

Spanning approximately 2000 square feet, it's not just a fashionable and spacious dwelling—it's an ideal space for both work and living! 

🏠 Property Highlights: 

SoHo Style: Spacious windows and an open layout create a stylish urban oasis with an expansive sense of space. 

Two Bathrooms: Two thoughtfully designed bathrooms offer added convenience, catering to both your work and lifestyle needs. 

Prime Location: Nestled in the heart of Chinatown, indulge in a vibrant environment with diverse culinary options, unique shops, and rich cultural experiences—a perfect fusion of tradition and trend.

 [Contact Information] 718-690-1190 WeChat: Leadence10 

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