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【High salary wanted】 part-time
发布时间:2023-08-31 20:05:03 有效日期:不限
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【Job Description】 : Online customer service
【Job form】 : part-time job
【Salary Package】 : Negotiable
【Work place】 : You can work at home.
【Working hours】 : One hour in the morning and one hour in the morning from Monday to Sunday.
【Job Requirements】 : Sales basis is not required, but it is better to have a basic, you need to bring your own computer.
Provide free and complete pre-job training. Applicants should be hardworking, patient, have a good command of English and Chinese, and be willing to communicate with others.
More work, more pay, welcome all kinds of elite.
【Contact information】 :
For details, contact us on wechat:13352444392