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发布时间:2018-05-04 13:05:22 有效日期:不限
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World's newest high-performance aircraft carrier
    The aircraft carrier with steam ejection can eject 20 aircraft per hour. The aircraft carrier with electromagnetic ejection can eject 40 aircraft per hour.
    The latest generation of high-performance aircraft carriers I designed can take more than 10 flights every 5 minutes: the third-generation half, fourth-generation, and five-generation high-performance fighters; the old tonnage of aircraft carriers of the same tonnage can be upgraded and can carry 50 more. About one percent of aircraft (if upgraded and rebuilt on China's 60,000-ton "Liaoning" and "001A" aircraft carriers will be able to equate to a carrier capacity of 100,000-ton class aircraft carrier and combat capability) for an hour. It will be able to send all the fighter jets on the aircraft carrier to heaven! The aircraft carrier’s combat performance and capabilities have been greatly improved. After the old aircraft carrier is transformed, it can become the latest generation of high-performance aircraft carrier, and it is a technological revolution in the aircraft carrier industry. (To reconstruct an old aircraft carrier, only 20% of new aircraft carriers need to be constructed to save a lot of money and resources).
     In all battlefields, it is to beat fast, with lightning speed, to gain an overwhelming victory! It may take only a dozen minutes to end a war, especially a modern naval battle. This world is the only one I have! Black technology and my new combat theory will change the rules of the world war game! In all my new inventions in the past, they are ahead of the others and are what others cannot think of and hear. Innovative thinking leads the world to the forefront of science and technology! Because the technology is too confidential, it also hinders the promotion of my new technology. My black technology (military technology that is not available in the world) can be sold without patent application. Applying for a patent will only reveal technical secrets! Anyway, regardless of Russia or any country, whoever comes first, it will get first-hand...
     Those who can accept the transformation business of the old aircraft carrier will be given thanks! Remember, whoever receives it, whoever comes first!
     I also have other most advanced technologies that are not available in the world. I am totally personally researching and developing. Before the parties reach an agreement, all of our technical content is in a highly confidential state, and it will not be stored on mobile phones and computers. I hope In the negotiations, the partners should not ask too much technical information; interested parties are welcome to send people (understand Chinese) to discuss cooperation and wish cooperation success!

WeChat Name: Yida
WeChat mobile phone number: 13015736708
Contact person: Mr. Chen