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发布时间:2022-07-28 23:12:32 有效日期:不限
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1)。本人是香港一間大學的數學和統計學退休教師,持有博士學位。專為本港和留學海外大學的香港和大陸學生進行補習和功課輔導,補習科目包括:微積分,高等數學,工程數學,大學統計學,概率與統計學,數據分析,Research Method, Econometrics.統計軟件SPSS應用等。




 WhatsApp 852-52184107  mikewong102@hotmail.com  Mike Wong

 (1). I am a retired teacher of mathematics and statistics from one of universities in Hong

Kong and a holder of Ph.D. Now as a tutor serve local and Hong Kong and Mainland China students studying in overseas universities. The tutoring subjects include: Calculus, Advanced mathematics, Engineering mathematics, advanced statistics, Probability, Data analysis, Research Method, Econometrics, Statistical software SPSS application, etc.

(2). Tutoring data analysis for dissertations and research projects, training in statistical SPSS software, Ror STATA dissertation service.

(3). Students are welcome to consult due to difficulties in math or statistics assignment or exam review.

(4).Now I am in Hong Kong, using online tutoring via video, Cantonese, Mandarin and English are available.

WhatsApp  852-52184107 mikewong102@hotmail.com

Mike Wong
