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马来西亚 马术治疗 Mashutherapy
发布时间:2019-07-16 22:36:17 有效日期:不限
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The effectiveness of equine-assisted-therapy (or some know it as horse therapy) has been proven effective in helping the treatment of many cases, especially children with special needs.

Mahsutherapy is a revolutionary therapy method bringing in ancient riding terminology with modern adaptation to bring out the most effective outcome for children. An evolution of Hippotherapy, Psychotherapy, Equine Activities, and others equine-assisted-therapy, born MahsuTherapy, a therapy founded by Dr Khew with his team of Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Behaviourist, Special Needs Education, Early Childhood and Psychiatrist.

MahsuTherapy is essentially helpful for children with autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, learning difficulties and other special needs condition.

Mahsutherapy Rate:
4 sessions – RM300/session
8 sessions – RM280/session
12 sessions – RM260/session

Book for your child now as there are only limited seats left!

For further info, contact our Founder Dr Khew at 011-10140828 for a non-obligatory consultati

